Dec 02, 2024
Got a very busy next 2 weeks….
First….It’s RACE WEEK - the final race weekend of 2024 for NASA Southeast!! It’s been a long year for me and I am hoping to end it with a great result!
The test and tune MVP Track Time weekend a couple weeks ago went very well with the new RPS Performance Products, Inc. carbon clutch. It’s got such a great feel and I realized quickly that I should have fixed my clutch issues back in the Spring instead of trying to limp it along all year with intermittent binding and it just not wanting to go into gear. 🫠
Second….Thanks to Anderson Composites I am losing some serious weight in the back of the car with removing that glass and getting lexan installed into their carbon rear decklid!! Should be a game changer!! This is another thing that I have put off doing, but thanks to Brandon Loy at Next Level Raceworks for the install! 👏🏻👏🏻
Third….Replaced the damaged carbon hood with a new one (Thanks again Anderson Composites!) and it’s getting ceramic coated and clear wrapped at Cincinnati Supercars with Chris Hundley. He also ceramic coated the rear decklid. You’re probably wondering why go so far for ceramic coating and clear shield….well everything he touches looks absolutely killer!!! Love his work! 🔥
Last but certainly not least…Fourth….The PRI show is next week!! Proud to announce that my car will be featured in the Anderson Composites booth in the Green Hall booth #2201!!! Last year at PRI as a featured car was pretty incredible but to actually have it on display inside at the largest racing show all year is truly a dream come true!!
Oh and in a few days another trip around the sun will be upon me… it’s a time to reflect on all I have and haven’t done with my crazy fast paced life. I have accomplished quite a lot in my short 😏 life but I’m not finished yet and I’m truly thankful to share it with all of you and have your support of Team Tracy Motorsport!! 🧡🏁
Hope to catch yall somewhere soon!!! 🫡
Link to booth location at PRI!
#teamtracymotorsport #santastoyrun #roadatlanta #nasasoutheast #superunlimited #thunderracer #prishow2024 #CarbonFiberDreams #andersoncomposites #formfollowsfunction #cincinnatisupercars #nextlevelraceworks