Giants Despair Hillclimb Weekend Update!!

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Just finally recovering from an incredible weekend up in Laurel Run, PA at the Pennsylvania Hillclimb Association’s 118th running of the Giants Despair Hillclimb!!!
I’ll admit I was a bit intimidated by the shear increase in elevation (videos I studied did not give the elevation change any justice!) as well as the camber and pavement changes but there were so many folks who were willing to talk this hillclimb through with me and oh the tips on friday late afternoon in the novice orientation were top notch!! Thanks Mike Robinson and Jason Fraley!! It felt incredibly good to slowly gain on this hill and my times dropped with each run by almost 6.5 seconds from first run on saturday to last run on sunday. I ended up 2nd in the SMX class and 25th out of 107 drivers with a time of 47.135. Not too shabby for my first time at Giants and I can’t wait to go back next year with the new pavement!! 🏁
It was great seeing everyone there again and i’m really getting to know more and more folks from PHA. You all have been very kind and welcoming to me and I appreciate that and look forward to my next trek to PA!!
As always I want to thank my partners/sponsors for your support of Team Tracy Motorsport in all my motorsport endeavors!!!
I got a lot of compliments on the car from the sound it made through the #corsaperformanceexhaust to the beautiful carbon fiber #andersoncomposites hood…also the aero from #aprperformance and the #fairclothcomposites splitter. Last but certainly not least to mention, I loved the pull of the #EliminatorSpecR 427 LS7 from #LPE up the steep elevation and also the fine feel of the #alcon and #prosystem brakes!! The E-85 from #igniteracingfuels rocketed the car to the podium as well!! 🚀🛢️🥃🌽

I’ll have an in-car video up soon on you tube and i’ll post a link as soon as it’s ready to go!!

Lingenfelter Performance Engineering
Alcon Specialist Brakes & Clutches
Pro-System Brakes
Hoosier Racing Tire
MTI Racing
APR Performance
inTech Trailers
KIM'S GOLD DUST - Fine Automotive Jewelry
Redline Ace
RedTide Canopies
Track Shaker
The Shady Secret
Race Ramps
Anderson Composites
CORSA Performance
Ignite Racing Fuel
Roswell Outback Automotive Racing
Women in Motorsports NA

#teamtracymotorsport #LaurelRun #Pennsylvania #giantsdespairhillclimb #SMX #c6zo6 #womanownedanddriven #racechick #whatsstoppingyou #hoosierhero2024

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