ETR SCCA Autocross!!!

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Randy Adkins caught me in action out at the ETRSCCA - East Tennessee Region SCCA autocross last Sunday!!
Thankful he had the car ready in grid and I could jump right in!! Not ideal to not walk the course ahead of time but I had to work and couldn’t make it early enough to prepare. 😷
It had been over a decade since i’ve competitively auto-crossed and even longer than that since I had been on street tires. Sunday I borrowed Randy’s purple wheels and Vitour P1 tires to knock the rust off. It was a blast throwing the car around and it brought back so many memories of the early days we had in parking lots…..
Next event for Team Tracy Motorsport coming up June 7-9 at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta with NASA Southeast!!!

#teamtracymotorsport #autocrossing #conecrusher #c6z06 #FunWithCars #getoutanddrive #sccaautocross #teamlingenfelter

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