Getting her fixed up at Roswell Outback Automotive Racing!!!

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Look what a couple days and Jeff Dernehl and Barry Trivette Roswell Outback Automotive Racing can do!
Thank you so much for getting her fixed up!!!

Huge shoutout to Mark Rapson Lingenfelter Performance Engineering and CORSA Performance for providing me a replacement piece of exhaust and getting it to the shop overnight!
The Chris Faircloth splitter needed just a couple brackets and now is good as new. That splitter is incredibly sturdy!! 💪🏼
Toe was out so alignment was done.
Luckily suspension looked excellent and frame still straight. I got so incredible lucky and am so glad I didn’t have to cancel the Labor Day event!
I’ve included some before and after pics from the shop.

Now let’s go racing with NASA Southeast Roebling Road Raceway this weekend! 🧡🏁

Team Tracy Motorsport
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