Panel for Women in Motorsports by WIMNA at NCM Bash!!

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The last several days have been a whirlwind but I want to express my sincere gratitude to Cindy Sisson, Lauri Eberhart, Ken and Kristen Lingenfelter, and Kat DeLorean Seymour for the incredible experience we had together as the panel for Women in Motorsports NA Friday night at the National Corvette Museum.
This is a memory I will never forget - in fact the entire time spent at the BASH will always be near and dear to my heart! All of the friends - old and new - and seeing you all there was awesome. Having my racecar in the room, along with the Lingenfelter C8, where we spoke was surreal. I was a bit nervous but the support from within that room helped me pull it together.
The VIP Corvette Assembly Plant tour was pretty incredible too and I enjoyed meeting the women of GM who work there!
Thank you to everyone who made this event so special for me!
Team Tracy Motorsport Lingenfelter Performance Engineering #womeninmotorsportna #womenencouragingwomen #bowlinggreen #kentuckyproud #homeofthecorvette #corvettechicksrule #corvettenation #trackitliketracy

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