NCM BASH and Women in Motorsport NA panel

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Fresh off the mountain and now here staged inside the Conference Center at the National Corvette Museum for the BASH celebration!!! 💥💥💥
The lights in that room make the car look pretty incredible but the waxer in me came out to clean off all the Pine Mountain dirt from the weekend!
We will be here from April 27-29 and am SUPER proud to be a part of the Women in Motorsport North America panel about Women in Motorsport at the Friday night dinner AND if that wasn’t great enough this racecar gets to be on display with Ken and Kristen Lingenfelter’s C8!!! It was a dream come true to drive to MY corvette inside the museum today!! Hope to see many of my corvette friends and family here the next couple of days!! It’s going to be an awesome celebration!!
Team Tracy Motorsport
Lingenfelter Performance Engineering Kristen Lingenfelter Women in Motorsports NA #corvettesofinstagram #corvettenation #sccahillclimber #nasathunderracer #corvettechicksrule #womeninmotorsport #c6zo6 #trackitliketracy #teamtracymotorsport🧡🏁

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