WE DID IT!!!! (And not at my favorite track 😬)
Double podium first place finishes today with P1 in TTU and a new PB of 1:37.58 (improvement of 1.2 seconds from November 2020 my last time here).

P1 in SU and overall winner of the Thunder Race today with a heated battle against Big Dog Racing’s Brent Goforth!!! I still cannot believe it. Wins in SuperUnlimited do not come easy and each race I feel my racecraft improving leaps and bounds. I got so close to a win at Roebling earlier this year but man I finally pulled it off. I can’t believe it after qualifying 4th. I feel so incredibly proud because I work so hard at this and for this and today it finally paid off BIG!! πŸπŸ†πŸ₯‡πŸ

Thanks to Debbie Gallagher and Michael Gallagher for the support as well as #teamproauto teammates for the support and my buddies and fellow racers for all the kind words too.

Big shoutout to all my sponsors and partners - especially Lingenfelter Performance Engineering because that LS7 loved the cold air and ran strong!! πŸ’ͺ🏻 #likeaboss
Team Tracy Motorsport
APR Performance
KIM'S GOLD DUST - Fine Automotive Jewelry
Unique Kar Kare
inTech Trailers
Redline Ace
Chosen Payments
RedTide Canopies
Car Chix
Track Shaker
United States Motorsports Association
Race Ramps
The Shady Secret

#teamtracymotorsport #c6z06 #141 #nasase #wedriveharder #ttu #su #podiumtimestwo #vetteracer #grlpwr #WomeninMotorSport #timetrialer #thunderracer #itstoughdoingboth #trackshaker #trackitliketracy #ThisIsMySeason

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